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Are Plant Meat Alternatives Good for You?
What is the deal with these plant “meats”? Are they better than the original? Do they cut my risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure? Read the deets on this not-so-ground-breaking article from the Lancet.

How Much Protein Can I Absorb in One Meal?
How much protein can you absorb at a meal? Here is new research that show maybe more than we though. However, at what cost to your body?

Why Do I Need Omega-3 Fatty Acids?
Here is the basic information about Omega-3 fatty acids. Does it really help my heart? Do I need to keep taking fish oil or is it a scam? Marty breaks it down for you – swimmingly!

What are probiotics?
Probiotics? Prebiotics? What are they? Do they actually work? Check out the safety and efficacy of these and how you DON’T need supplements.

What is A1c?
So here you are in your health provider’s office, freezing in a paper gown, trying to breath while the provider stares at a screen with

What is Insulin Resistance?
Do you know what it means and how it relates to diabetes? Do you know how to check what your resistance level is? Do you know it involves your pancreas? Let’s do a deep dive.

Why do a 4-hour gut rest between meals?
Don’t eating more meals daily lead to weight loss? Aren’t we supposed to snack? Research about glucose spikes, insulin and your gut flora say no.